Saturday, November 30, 2019

The poetry of Wordsworth and Blake Essay Example

The poetry of Wordsworth and Blake Essay The poetry of Wordsworth and Blake differ greatly in the style in which they are written, in particular the poetic structure, such as the length of lines and the rhyme schemes. The William Wordsworth poem Composed upon Westminster Bridge, Sept. 3, 1802 was a sonnet written mainly to convey a sense of happiness and good-nature in reference to both London at the moment in time, as well as his mood and outlook on the world and its beauty at the present time. The William Blake poems analysed in this essay are taken from Song of Innocence, and refer to the innocence of children and the corruptness surrounding them in the town of London, contrasting to the wonderful sights that Wordsworth describe the city to offer.In Composed upon Westminster Bridge, Sept. 3, 1802, the poem begins with a very optimistic outlook on the appearance of London from the bridge which continues throughout the first octave. The comparison to other cities on Earth is made with not any thing to show more fair, where the breaking up of the words not, any and thing emphasise the beauty of London in first impressions, as opposed to simply using the alternative, nothing. Emphasis is also placed in the description of an everyday person who would look upon London and see nothing of Wordsworths imagery as being a dull man. In further reference to extravagance, the effect of referring to the city as a whole as majesty is very regal and the freedom of such a city is very promising to the reader, as opposed to the restriction and confinement of the community of Blakes London, from Songs of Experience.The simile like a garment wear is used in the fourth line in reference to the city of London to give the impression of superiority that the beauty was only to be worn by London and no other. Also, to wear the beauty of the morning is personification of the citys ability to reflect beauty in its landscape. The ships, towers, domes, theatres and temples lie open unto the fields, and to the sky shows the city as having no boundaries to its extent of appearances. The listing of the infrastructure London has to offer from a view from Westminster Bridge also helps an image to broaden out and show a full panorama of London as being a peaceful environment.What is described from the buildings being open unto the fields, and to the sky in line seven is symbolic of a city being open and free, inviting people to follow. However, this could be a metaphorical description, as is the remaining few lines of the octave and the entire sestet. Onomatopoeia in line eight glittering is used to demonstrate images of smokeless air, when we know in fact that accounts of London in Blakes poetry are full of bleak colours, for example shades of grey and black. The sestet then begins with personification: never did sun more beautifully steep in his first splendour; the phrase spanning lines nine and ten portray imagery of a wonderful landscape which is not native to where Wordsworth is overlooking. It is with t his that we see a description of perfection in the mind, stating neer saw I, never felt, a calm so deep and helps the reader also feel calm in the perceptions and imagery being created. The river also flows at his own sweet will, which is considerate of freedom, which differs greatly with the sense of imprisonment within the life of a Londoner being nothing of a tranquil sort.In London, Blake describes the city in the present tense, with wander. This shows that the description of corrupt environment and containment is a regularly occurrence in the city, with him marking in every face I meet marks of weakness, marks of woe. Though metaphorical, the marks have been used instead of the word signs to show lack of rebellion and struggle, linking with a self-inflicted ruling conveyed in the metaphor of the mind-forged manacles. The constant suppression of freedom is also led onto the each chartered street, near where the chartered Thames does flow with implications of restrictions, which differs from the sense of freedom in the entire poem by Wordsworth.The word chartered suggest organisational work made to narrow chances of self-determination within small communities. Self -determination is also for all ages, which seems very unlikely in the first two lines of the second stanza. In every cry of every man, in every infants cry of fear the people fear those who are in control, which is explained by Blake to be the corrupt Church in the final stanza of the poem. A motif of prohibition and limitation is featured across the four stanzas: chartered (stanza one); ban (stanza two); appalls (stanza three); curse (stanza four). The use of the word ban also contrasts another meaning for the word chartered in the first stanza, where it could mean the freedom of the people being granted to them by the sovereign of the time.In stanza three of London, Blake uses another focus of one of his poems from the earlier collection Songs of Innocence: The Chimney Sweeper. The chimney swee per, who was a young child employed to sweep the soot from within chimneys to allow drafts through, was a form of child exploitation, which was seemingly encouraged by the Church, one reason why it was deemed by Blake to be corrupt. In this poem, Blake uses the colour black to emphasise the corruptness of the church, which should be appalled by the behaviour expressed in favour of chimney-sweeping. The present participle blackning is also stressing the continuing dishonesty of the Church, which should be a colour of white in recognition of purity.The children in London are known to be used to clean the chimneys despite their own safety being at risk, which can be linked to the seemingly smokeless air in line eight of Westminster Bridge; the ignorance of Wordsworth in the poem can symbolise the childs ignorance to the work they are doing, believing it to be the better for them. It is also with children that the final stanza is most effective, with the work of the young harlot corrupt ing the symbol of marriage. The tears of the new-born infant is supposedly blast, damaging the innocence of the child and describes the true image of the city of London as being one of unfaithfulness, dishonesty and mistrust. The final line describes the marriage having blights with plagues, the marriage hearse, which is a deliberate adaptation of the vow till death do us part, where the freedom of the wife is contained with the man, who is unfaithful to her.Holy Thursday is another poem which can be found in Blakes Songs of Innocence, with a second version also found in Songs of Experience. The title of the poem itself opens up to a common theme of irony, where the day is not perceived by Blake as being holy. With their innocent faces clean, the children are very easy to manipulate and be controlled, and the cleanliness suggests that they are only clean on the Holy Thursday and no other day, symbolising a sense of regime and control. Their movement is also very controlled, where it says in line two that they walk in two two in red bleu green; the movement is structured and similar to Noahs Ark in the Old Testament, where the animals are being led to safety, whereas the children here are being led into the church walls in colours of the liberied companies. The liberied companies were those responsible for sponsoring their education, and the colours would help determine that as well as your own background, socially and economically.Grey headed beadles suggests age and wisdom in the masters of the children, but when paired with the bright colours of the children, grey is very dull and represents the lack of life which the beadles seem to have in comparison to the children, still full of life, innocence and honesty. The corruptness is also brought through with the slight reference to magic in line three using the euphemism: with wands as white as snow. The magic is a reference to misconduct and control, which also seen in the first stanza of London and the col our of white is used ironically against the wands to show purity and goodness within the Church, who seems to be outwardly condoning magic and witchcraft. Another usage of the river Thames is used in the last line of the first stanza in reference to the children entering the Church, where both the Thames and the children are freely moving into an area where it will eventually be controlled by something or someone, in this case the beadles/masters.O what a multitude of flowers of London town represents the children as a whole and shows the colour and innocence they have, but is later juxtaposed to the seating in companies which is a restraint on the children, compared to the mind-forged manacles of the everyday person in London. The lack of freedom is then contradicted again with radiance of the children, symbolising their liberty and innocence being childlike and it cannot be taken from them because it is all their own. Blake then used the biblical word, multitudes, to describe the seating arrangements of the children within the church walls and is used with double entendre,in the meaning that the children of innocence were seated like lambs (supposedly an allusion to Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God), but are seated in a way which their innocence can easily be sacrificed amongst beadles (supposedly a suggestion to the meaning of Abraham and the sacrificing of the lamb for God). This forced conformity is a prominent motif in the poem, as well as pathos appearing in the last line of stanza two. They raise their innocent hands, which is a reference to the treatment of children at the time when they would be beaten from having their hands dirty, and is as if they are reaching out to God through hymn.Compared to Upon Westminster Bridge, the children are very similar to Wordsworths ideology of the city of London when they sing to heaven the voice of song. In this, it shows that the childrens innocence shows no limits as to what they believe in, and can extend themse lves to the sky and upon to fields, much like the description of London in Wordsworths view from Westminster Bridge. Beneath them sit the aged men where pronunciation of the word aged would be emphasis (age-ed) to show goodness in the hearts of the children, and less so in the hearts of their masters.The irony in line 11 is the guardians of the poor, when the nature of the beadles and masters jobs were not to aid the children through means without inflicting harm. Paired with line 14, Blake offers a message to the people of the time that they should cherish pity, lest you drive an angel from your door. This one line symbolises the importance of perception as good and as bad, for the treatment of the children is not shaping them for the better, as they believe it to be doing. The irony of the guardians is that they are doing to opposite of what they set out to do, which is now ultimately driving an angel from your door, being ignorant to each other and showing no thought for mistreat ment and misguidance.In the poem The Chimney Sweeper the children are further discouraged from liberation, demonstrated in way the poem has been written. The chimney-sweepers relevance to the city of London is the widespread occurrence of young children working to clear chimneys in the heavily industrialised city. The innocence of children contributes heavily to what is effectively their exploitation. In the first stanza, the opening is very personal and the helplessness of a child is expressed when he recalls he could scarcely cry weep! weep! weep! weep!. The repetition is a technique used by Blake to establish guilt towards the child. Linking to his age, his inability to speak is linked into his daily routine of the chimneys I sweep, and in soot I sleep.The literal implication of the line is the lack of hygiene provided for the child, but also has a metaphorical importance, in the metaphorical darkness and pre-conceived doom of him and the other children. In the second stanza, the sense of being controlled by authority which is similar to those described as grey headed beadles in Holy Thursday. When the child says that you know that the soot cannot spoil your white hair, the colours in the image conveyed are very dismal and the staining of white is a metaphor for the exploitation of the children. In the third stanza, the child describes a dream which he experienced. Being locked up in coffins of black, the finality of the coffin is made sure with the lock, symbolising a secret, possibly the cruelty of child exploitation.In relation to the image portrayed by William Wordsworth in Upon Westminster Bridge, the openness and freedom in Wordsworths portrayal of London is contradictory to what Blake describes the city as a place of corruption, similar to the ideas in Holy Thursday and the corruption which the people believed would benefit those cared for by wise guardians of the poor. The idea of freedom in Wordsworths sonnet is also contradicted by the structure o f a coffin: a sealed box with little room for manoeuvre, similar to the structure of a chimney, designed to stop the soot from entering the house through the shaft.In the fourth stanza, the description of the place where Tom visits in his dream as being a green plain, similar to the description of London in Upon Westminster Bridge, however the remaining stanzas outline a very conformist perception of work for children. The rhyme scheme of the poem as a whole is comparable with that of a nursery rhyme, making the concept much easier to understand for both the reader and the child. This sense of understanding allows the child then to be lured into the exploitation, thus associating with the dream Tom Dacre sees.With all their bags left behind in the dream after being set free, and then got with our bags and our brushes to work symbolises the assumed need for the children to work in order to achieve happiness, another resemblance to irony that is people believing they are doing good by them, but are not realising they are doing the opposite. The final line is also linked to the eleventh and twelfth lines in London: And the hapless soldiers sigh Runs in blood down palace walls; the quote links with the needlessness for people to fight in a war condoned by a corrupt church, mirrored by the needlessness for young children to be placed in a confined space by a corrupt way of life and treatment of infants.A continued theme of neglect by the family is seen in the poem The Little Boy Lost. The first of the two stanzas is dialog, instantly conveying to the reader a sense of guilt towards the neglect of the father. The sense of innocence in the third line, Speak, Father, speak to your little boy, is placed on the emphasis of little, since the line is dactylic trimester, meaning there are three feet in the line, each containing three syllables, of which the first is stressed. The importance of the stress on little is also symbolic of the responsibility which the man should have for his child, and seem to have disowned him. When the sun appears to have set, the child is then left abandoned. In A Little Boy Found, the poem is similar to all other poems in the collection of Songs of Experience, where it reveals the truth about London from the viewpoint of William Blake.Being very different from Wordsworths opinion of London as a visitor, Blakes outlook on Londons children and their treatment is descriptive in the poem. In the third stanza, the child is accused of blasphemy and is taken by priest to be made an example of. He led him by his little coat, and all admired the priestly care demonstrates the corruptness and controlling nature of the Church on individual beliefs is strict. When the priest bound him in an iron chain, and burned him in a holy place, the enjambment of the last three verses emphasises continuity of the process. The repetition of the weeping parents wept in vain in the fourth and fifth stanzas shows that the parents could not do any thing to save their child but cry and pray. In the final stanza, the first two lines emphasise the reality of the situation, stating the Church as being a place where many had been burned before, and questions the reputation of Church as a house of God if there are such thing done on Albions shore.The Sick Rose is not a poem which directly refers to London in a literal manner, but the meaning of the poem can be perceived as having a bearing on the perception of London. Blake instantly addresses the rose in the opening line, personifying the rose as an animated being, possibility a person. The invisible worm is a symbol of something in the air which we can neither see nor touch in the air, but the worm can destroy, much like the image painted when a worm is found within rotting apples. The concept of a small blemish destroying its vicinity could be a reference to London in the way the community lives and how it could lead down a long line of consequences in a sick London. The descrip tion of the red being a crimson variation could be a reference to love and the corruption of the Church in London, where the final stanza references Blakes viewpoint on marriage.Has found out thy bed could be the invisible disease on the physical rose bed, an unwanted creature which takes away its freedom; the double entendre of the line is an invisible disease similar to the harlots curse in London, where the unwanted person takes away the freedom of love and marriage. The oxymoron of dark secret love is also contradictory to the Church, in the concealment of love being impure in its nature, being lust or extramarital affairs. In another perception, the Rose could also be a reference to England, as the heraldic badge of England being the Tudor rose. With the capital being London, the rose would then be a direct reference to the sickness of London and the way in which lives exist, contradictory to Upon Westminster Bridge in its tranquil surroundings, unaffected by any sickness.In th e poetry of William Blake, the comparison with Wordsworths Composed upon Westminster Bridge, Sept. 3, 1802, is clearly shown to be a bleaker, yet more vivid and representative an outlook of London at that time. The presentation of London in Upon Westminster Bridge is less so, especially in the sestet of the sonnet describing a setting not consistent with the octaves physical description of the buildings present. Although Wordsworths conveyance of happiness and tranquillity as a result of seeing London from Westminster Bridge is clearly evident, Blakes poems contains more extended metaphors in those found on Songs of Experience, such as London.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Elude vs. Allude vs. Illude

Elude vs. Allude vs. Illude Elude vs. Allude vs. Illude Elude vs. Allude vs. Illude By Michael The commonly misused words elude, allusion and illusion share a common root word (Latin ludere: to play), but their meanings arent similar at all. Fortunately, recognizing the prefixes can help keep these two words separate in your mind. The Latin prefix e means out, so elude originally suggested the end of a game or a sword fight, where a clever winner tricked his opponent by playing out. A fugitive can elude his pursuers by making them look for him outside of where he really is. The prefix a or ad often comes from the Latin ad, which means to. For example, an adjunct professor is a part-time instructor who is joined to the faculty to teach a few classes. So an allusion is an indirect reference played to something else, such as a quotation that you expect your readers will recognize without having to be told where it came from. The prefix in or sometimes il or im often comes from the Latin in, which means at, in, toward, among other things. It gives illusion the meaning of play with. An illusion is something that isnt real somebody is playing with your mind and trying to fool you. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Types of Rhyme15 Words for Household Rooms, and Their Synonyms5 Tips to Understand Hyphenated Words

Friday, November 22, 2019

Using Multiple Main Classes in Java

Using Multiple Main Classes in Java Normally at the outset of learning the Java programming language, there will be a number of code examples that are useful to compile and run to fully understand them. When using an IDE like NetBeans its easy to fall into the trap of creating a new project every time for each new piece of code. However, it can all happen in one project. Creating a Code Example Project A NetBeans project contains the classes needed to build a Java application. The application uses the main class as the starting point for the execution of the Java code. In fact, in a new Java application project created by NetBeans only one class included - the main class contained within the file. Go ahead and make a new project in NetBeans and called it CodeExamples. Lets say I want to try programming some Java code to output the result of adding 2 2. Put the following code into the main method: public static void main(String[] args) {int result 2 2;System.out.println(result);} When the application is compiled and executed the output printed is 4. Now, if I want to try out another piece of Java code I have two choices, I can either overwrite the code in the main class or I can put it in another main class. Multiple Main Classes NetBeans projects can have more than one main class and its easy to specify the main class an application should run. This allows a programmer to switch between any number of main classes within the same application. Only the code in one of the main classes will be executed, effectively making each class independent of each other. Note: This is not usual in a standard Java application. All it needs is one main class as a starting point for the execution of the code. Remember this is a tip for running multiple code examples within one project. Lets add a new main class to the CodeSnippets project. From the File menu choose New File. In the New File wizard pick the Java Main Class file type (its in the Java category). Click Next. Name the file example1 and click Finish. In the example1 class add the following code to the main method: public static void main(String[] args) {System.out.println(Four);} Now, compile and run the application. The output will still be 4. This is because the project is still set up to use the Main class as its main class. To change the main class being used, go to the File menu and choose Project Properties. This dialog gives all the options that can be changed in a NetBeans project. Click on the Run category. On this page, there is a Main-Class option. Currently, it is set to codeexamples.Main (i.e., the class). By clicking the Browse button to the right, a pop-up window will appear with all the main classes that are in the CodeExamples project. Choose codeexamples.example1 and click Select Main Class. Click OK on the Project Properties dialog. Compile and run the application again. The output will now be four because the main class being used is now Using this approach its easy to try out lots of different Java code examples and keep them all in one NetBeans project. but still be able to compile and run them independent of each other.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Video Business Case Report on acQuire Technology Solutions - Case 2 Study

Video Business Report on acQuire Technology Solutions - 2 - Case Study Example The paper provides the best alternative that the organization might adopt in order to deal with a situation of weak financial position in future. It is important for the organization to maintain a good customer relationship and upgrade itself with the technological developments taking place in the international market. The most important decision for the concerned organization is that of following a strategy of combining its pricing and marketing strategies in order to improve financial position of the company. The strategy has been recommended with the aim of helping the company to increase its total revenue and also its share in the world market. Introduction The major causes of the financial crisis are manipulations of the financial statements of companies, deficiencies in risk management, high leverage, lack of secured lending in the derivatives market and ineffective management (Bernanke 2010; Gramley 2013). All these led to the development of weak crisis-management capabilities by the companies (Friedman 2011, 98). As a result of the crisis, most of the open economies in the world have been the victims of recession and the companies operating multinationally are struggling to fight the effects of recession. This paper presents a report on a particular issue currently faced by a company named ‘acQuire Technology Solutions’. ... The outcome of this analysis would be useful in developing the decision criteria for the company and identify the alternatives that would be implemented while dealing with the issue currently faced by the company. Issues The world has recently emerged from the turbulent financial crisis and is still fighting to get rid of the after effects of the phenomenon. The concern shown by the CEO of acQuire Technology Solutions, Warren Cook, is that there is distinct possibility of recurrence of the 2008 crisis. This situation would be detrimental for the company and place it in a position of huge loss (Cook 2013a). In this context, the prime issue identified by the company is the development of strong strategy that would help the company deal with the current situation and emerge with success. Causes and importance of the issue The issue identified in the above section is important for acQuire since it is associated with long term sustainability of the company. According to the CEO, the long term performance of the company would be reflected in the way, the management of the organization deals with their responsibility towards their employees and treats their employees at present (Cook 2013b). acQuire Technology Solutions nurtures the objective of providing a long and cherished career to its employees. Maintaining the organization in such a way that it would be able to provide secure career to its staffs is one of the foremost concern for the firm. Decision Criteria Analysis Situational Risk Assessment acQuire Technology Solutions is a privately owned organization and it must make the comparison between risk and reward of any particular decision. The alternatives recommendations that are being

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Comparison of two friends Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Comparison of two friends - Essay Example While I was allowed to try new things and venture out on my own Aziz spent a great deal of time at home reading or studying. Though his grades were always better than mine it was never a point between us at that one may be being smarter than the other. We shared bonds that defied our personal choices in sports or culture and our personalities despite their differences seemed to supplement each other as though we were one. Aziz and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember. Aziz and I frequently go places together that separately we would likely not be interested in. He has taught me a great deal about Asian culture and we are exploring Egyptian culture though lately we have been discovering new music. I am looking for a part time job while Aziz is focusing more on finishing his education. Aziz’s’ parents are more able to afford his expenses though I feel guilty as I know my parents struggle. I would love to find something in a trendy stylish store in the mall while I finish school. My focus has been on business and that is my long term plan as of now; business administration. Aziz, being the genius that he is hopes to go to medical school one day and I don’t doubt that he will. His family is all successful with careers that took years to attain and I know that has had a strong influence on Aziz. He has less time for girlfriends than I; we manage to date casually. Neither of us is in a committed relationship, my last one ending badly. Aziz has many friends that are girls though I don’t ever remember him being serious towards one. Aziz and I share most of our thoughts and we can always talk to each other. Times get stressful when you are trying to succeed, knowing that others are expecting you to. We both realize our limitations and set goals that are achievable. I sometimes get jealous of Aziz as he easily reaches goals and we laugh as he encourages me. Despite our many differences it is Aziz who gives me the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Motor Speed Control Essay Example for Free

Motor Speed Control Essay Introduction and Objectives In this lab you will control the speed of a motor. Figure 1 shows the hardware setup, which is the same as for Week 1 of Lab 4. You will use the potentiometer on your evaluation board to set the desired speed of the motor, and you will control the speed through the PWM output of the HCS12. You will measure the speed of the motor using an input capture pin, and display the desired and actual speeds on the terminal. . 1. The Lab It is up to you how you design the system to accomplish the goal of this lab, nonetheless, here are some guidelines to assist you in ensuring proper operation of the system. 1. Build the circuit shown in Figure 1. 2. Design a real-time routine that gets executed every 8ms. Develop a method to verify the timing of that routine, e.g., increment LEDs. 3. Program the A/D converter to read the value from the pot either the one on the microcontroller board or an external one. In the routine developed in Part 1, read the A/D converter (use 8-bit mode). Again develop a method to display the results and verify the operation of the A/D converter as you change the input voltage. 4. Set up the PWM to generate a 50 kHz PWM signal on one of the four PWM channels. Set it up for high polarity. It will be easiest to set PWPERx to 255. Verify that the PWM works. In the real-time routine, write the eight most significant bits to the A/D value you read to PWDTYx. The motor speed should change as you use the pot to vary the voltage on the A/D. 5. Measure the speed of the motor by determining the time between two falling edges of the optical encoder. In your main program display this time on the LCD display. You can use floating point arithmetic to convert this time into RPM. Display the RPM value on the LCD display. What is the maximum motor speed? 6. Measure the speed for several different  duty cycles by varying the voltage with the pot. Plot speed vs. duty cycle. EE 308 New Mexico Tech Spring 2011 Figure 1: Using a PWM signal to adjust the speed of a motor. 7. Implement closed-loop speed control. The desired speed Sd should be Sd = (0.2 + 0.8 ·(AD/ADmax))  ·Smax where Smax is the motor speed at 100% duty cycle, AD is the A/D converter reading and ADmax is the maximum A/D converter reading. In this way you will be able to vary the speed between 20% and 100% of Smax. EE 308 New Mexico Tech Spring 2011 To set the motor at the desired speed you can use a simple equation (integral control) such as: DCnew = DCold + k ·(Sd − Sm) where Sm is the measured speed. Do this calculation inside the real-time routine, and write the new value to PWDTYx. Try different values of k to see how the motor responds. If k is too small, it will take a long time for the motor to get to its steady-state speed. If k is too large, the motor will be jerky as it tries to settle down to its steady-state speed. It will be much easier to do these calculations using floating point numbers rather than using integers. 8. Set the power voltage to 15V. Measure the motor speed for various values of input voltage to the A/D converter. Take about 10 equally-spaced measurements for input voltage between 0 and 5 V. Use the LCD display to show the raw A/D value and the raw counts between edges on the first line, and show the desired and actual speeds on the second line. 9. With the pot  set at about mid-range, vary the voltage of the voltage powering the motor (say between 8V and 14V). With closed-loop control the speed of the motor should stay the same. Verify that this is the case. 10. Using the data from Part 8, plot the speed in RPM vs. the input voltage from the pot ,i.e., convert the speed measurement in time difference between two falling edges to speed in RPM. 11. It is much more effective if you have the data from the previous part recorded automatically, this way you can observe the behavior of the controller and how long it takes to make the motor settle at the right speed. To do that change the BAUD rate to 115,200 then once every 8ms send the input capture difference to the serial port. Set Hyperterm to use 115,200 baud rate, capture the serial data and plot in MATLAB. Set the power voltage back to 15V. Rather than varying the PWM based on the pot, set it manually inside your code for a while and then change it to different value, this will create a step change in the desired set value, and can be used to determine the effectiveness of the controller. 12. Another type of controller that may be used is known as proportional controller. This type of controller, and unlike the integral type control, only uses the current measurements to set the output rather than accumulating any history. This is accomplished by DCnew = k ·(Sd − Sm) EE 308 New Mexico Tech Spring 2011 Similar to the previous step, collect the data due to a step change in the desired speed, and plot in MATLAB. Compare this proportional controller to the integral controller.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Ancient Egyptian Religion As S :: essays research papers fc

Ancient Egyptian Religion as Seen in Art and Architecture   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As the hot Egyptian sun beats down upon his head, the archeologist realizes his time is drawing to a close. The local government had allotted a period of two weeks for the expedition to take place, and the thirteenth day is now in its peak. The search for the tomb of the great king Menes has, thus far, been a complete failure. The archeologist begins to feel a bit queasy, realizing his sudden failure; however, a cavalcade of shouts suddenly penetrates the intensely hot air. He strains his burning eyes to find the source of the commotion. Then he sees it: the corner of some ancient edifice is peeking sleepily from the sand and grit that buried it so long ago.  ³Could this be it, ² the archeologist asks himself, still in awe over the pale stone that his eyes now gaze upon. It seems almost impossible that the tracks of a culture so great could be covered by such an inadequate foe as time. But even now as he gazes upon the tomb in success, the archeologist sees no culture behind these artifacts; he merely sees the makings of a fortune.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It will be nearly fifty years before the people represented by these pieces of time are honored for their diverse culture. Once vast and thriving, the Ancient Egyptian culture was a center of commerce, philosophy, and religion alike. The people had a culture like that of no other group in history; however, its complexity has led to many misconceptions about the Ancient Egyptian populace. The ever-popular archaic art style of a figure in profile surrounded by hieroglyphs has become the world ¹s favorite view of the Egyptian. As a result of this ignorance, the cultural aspects of this society are not fully appreciated. One of the greatest little-known truths about the people of this society is that they based almost everything they did around their spiritual beliefs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the life of Egyptian people, religion [played] a far more   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  important part than modern man can imagine. With the peoples   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  of antiquity, as in Europe in the Middle Ages, belief in gods or in   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  one god [formed] the focal point of man ¹s world-outlook. Religion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  [provided] the stimulus to art and philosophy and a matrix for   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  the development of moral principles.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (Woldering 28) This similarity between everyday tasks and belief in the gods lead to advances in numerous aspects of this society.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Digital Electronics: Advantages and Disadvantages

Digital electronics, or digital (electronic) circuits, represent signals by discrete bands ofanalog levels, rather than by a continuous range. All levels within a band represent the same signal state. Relatively small changes to the analog signal levels due to manufacturing tolerance, signal attenuation or parasitic noise do not leave the discrete envelope, and as a result are ignored by signal state sensing circuitry.In most cases the number of these states is two, and they are represented by two voltage bands: one near a reference value (typically termed as â€Å"ground† or zero volts) and a value near the supply voltage, corresponding to the â€Å"false† (â€Å"0†) and â€Å"true† (â€Å"1†) values of the Boolean domain respectively. Digital techniques are useful because it is easier to get an electronic device to switch into one of a number of known states than to accurately reproduce a continuous range of values. Digital electronic circuits are usually made from large assemblies of logic gates, simple electronic representations of Boolean logic functions.Advantages An advantage of digital circuits when compared to analog circuits is that signals represented digitally can be transmitted without degradation due to noise. [2] For example, a continuous audio signal transmitted as a sequence of 1s and 0s, can be reconstructed without error, provided the noise picked up in transmission is not enough to prevent identification of the 1s and 0s. An hour of music can be stored on a compact disc using about 6 billion binary digits. In a digital system, a more precise representation of a signal can be obtained by using more binary digits to represent it.While this requires more digital circuits to process the signals, each digit is handled by the same kind of hardware. In an analog system, additional resolution requires fundamental improvements in the linearity and noise characteristics of each step of the signal chain. Computer-cont rolled digital systems can be controlled by software, allowing new functions to be added without changing hardware. Often this can be done outside of the factory by updating the product's software. So, the product's design errors can be corrected after the product is in a customer's hands.Information storage can be easier in digital systems than in analog ones. The noise-immunity of digital systems permits data to be stored and retrieved without degradation. In an analog system, noise from aging and wear degrade the information stored. In a digital system, as long as the total noise is below a certain level, the information can be recovered perfectly. [edit]Disadvantages In some cases, digital circuits use more energy than analog circuits to accomplish the same tasks, thus producing more heat which increases the complexity of the circuits such as the inclusion of heat sinks.In portable or battery-powered systems this can limit use of digital systems. For example, battery-powered cel lular telephones often use a low-power analog front-end to amplify and tune in the radio signals from the base station. However, a base station has grid power and can use power-hungry, but very flexible software radios. Such base stations can be easily reprogrammed to process the signals used in new cellular standards. Digital circuits are sometimes more expensive, especially in small quantities. Most useful digital systems must translate from continuous analog signals to discrete digital signals.This causes quantization errors. Quantization error can be reduced if the system stores enough digital data to represent the signal to the desired degree of fidelity. TheNyquist-Shannon sampling theorem provides an important guideline as to how much digital data is needed to accurately portray a given analog signal. In some systems, if a single piece of digital data is lost or misinterpreted, the meaning of large blocks of related data can completely change. Because of the cliff effect, it can be difficult for users to tell if a particular system is right on the edge of failure, or if it can tolerate much more noise before failing.Digital fragility can be reduced by designing a digital system for robustness. For example, a parity bit or other error management method can be inserted into the signal path. These schemes help the system detect errors, and then either correct the errors, or at least ask for a new copy of the data. In a state-machine, the state transition logic can be designed to catch unused states and trigger a reset sequence or other error recovery routine. Digital memory and transmission systems can use techniques such as error detection and correction to use additional data to correct any errors in transmission and storage.On the other hand, some techniques used in digital systems make those systems more vulnerable to single-bit errors. These techniques are acceptable when the underlying bits are reliable enough that such errors are highly unlikely. A single-bit error in audio data stored directly as linear pulse code modulation (such as on a CD-ROM) causes, at worst, a single click. Instead, many people use audio compression to save storage space and download time, even though a single-bit error may corrupt the entire song. A digital circuit is a circuit that functions on a number of different logic gates.The logic gates differentiate power signals. The power signals are then transferred to different parts of the digital circuit through other gates to create an output signal directly pertinent to the energy level at the moment of signal input. Most digital circuits are comprised mainly of smaller analog components that, because of the logic gate occurrence, only operate within a certain frame of voltages. Usually these operate at extremely low voltage signals. Digital circuits also require that the analog components located throughout the circuit not be placed in a manner that will allow them to perform analog functions.This usu ally means there is a logic gate both before and after the analog component. Digital circuits are becoming more and more popular as technology requires the electronic devices used every day to become smaller and smaller, making the items more readily accessible regardless of location or circumstance. A digital circuit reacts quickly as power or signal is delivered to them, as long as the signal it receives is within the correct frame of voltage or energy. Digital circuits usually work best with low voltage signals, as they are more capable of handling these signals than higher voltages.Analog circuits typically require much more voltage behind the input signal to perform with the speed that digital circuits provide. An electronic circuit is composed of individual electronic components, such as resistors,transistors, capacitors, inductors and diodes, connected by conductive wires or traces through which electric current can flow. The combination of components and wires allows various simple and complex operations to be performed: signals can be amplified, computations can be performed, and data can be moved from one place to another. 1] Circuits can be constructed of discrete components connected by individual pieces of wire, but today it is much more common to create interconnections by photolithographic techniques on a laminated substrate (a printed circuit board or PCB) and solder the components to these interconnections to create a finished circuit. In an integrated circuit or IC, the components and interconnections are formed on the same substrate, typically a semiconductor such as silicon or (less commonly) gallium arsenide. [2] Breadboards, perfboards or stripboards are common for testing new designs.They allow the designer to make quick changes to the circuit during development. An electronic circuit can usually be categorized as an analog circuit, a digital circuit or a mixed-signal circuit (a combination of analog circuits and digital circuits). analo g circuit analog circuit, electronic circuit that operates with currents and voltages that vary continuously with time and have no abrupt transitions between levels. Generally speaking, analog circuits are contrasted with digital circuits, which function as though currents or voltages exist only at one of a set of discrete levels, all transitions between levels being ignored.Since most physical quantities, e. g. , velocity and temperature, vary continuously, as does audio, an analog circuit provides the best means of representing them. However, digital circuits are often preferred because of the ease with which their outputs can be manipulated by computers, and because digital signals are more robust and less subject to transmission errors. There are special analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog circuits to convert from one type of signal to the other.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Passionate geography teacher

Since an early age I have been fascinated by Geography and during my last few old ages at school I have been inspired by a truly passionate geographics instructor. The more I found out about the topic, the more interesting it appeared to me. I was captivated by how in Geography, scientific discipline interlinked with art, and the natural environment interlinked with the human society. Hence, without vacillation I decided to prosecute a grade in Geography. I have already proven my abilities and my echt involvement for this topic as I am already a 2nd twelvemonth geographics pupil at Vilnius University, which is one of the best universities in Lithuania. The grade is disputing but at the same clip it is honoring as I am passionate about the topic. Not merely have I gained good theoretical background, but I have besides already developed some practical accomplishments used in mapmaking, geomorphology, weather forecasting every bit good as the information analysis necessary for recreational and touristry geographics. Thankss to my university surveies I have acquired a better apprehension of the natural environment. Last twelvemonth we undertook a Geomorphology field class, during which we were look intoing the land conditions to acquire a better apprehension of the formation of the soils nowadays in a wood. We besides researched the consequence of the clime alteration on the landscape. [ ( ? ? ? ) ] It was one of the most interesting parts of my class, as I had the chance to use my theoretical cognition and I besides learnt much about the land formation. [ ( ? ? ? ) . ] I enjoy traveling to seminars and discoursing about the issues that the universe and geographers are confronting. This is assisting me to understand the environment as a whole every bit good as my ain function within the universe. From the beginning of my grade I have been actively engaged in assorted facets of university life. I am a portion of the organizational and societal activities commission at our Students ‘ Union. I play a great function in organizing societal events, negotiations and developing. Most of this engagement has been as portion of assorted squads, which has non merely helped me develop my interpersonal accomplishments but besides improved my organizational accomplishments. I have ever been passionate about athleticss and have therefore taken portion in assorted sportive activities runing from swimming to hiting and have taken portion in school and university athletics competitions. I have won several decorations and my dedication for athleticss has helped me develop my squad working accomplishments every bit good as heightening my continuity. These accomplishments are critical for my university surveies and for my future professional calling. Recently, I realised that my current university is unable to suit my demands. My private research has shown that higher ( ? ? ? ) instruction in the United Kingdom offers greater learning quality and more chances for their pupils. Besides, the alumnus chances for natural scientific disciplines are significantly better than in Lithuania. Analyzing in England would besides be an first-class opportunity for me to broaden my skyline, experience cultural diverseness, and run into new people. It would be an priceless experience for me and would surely be an of import plus for my future calling. As I have studied English at school for 9 old ages and have been taking it as portion of my current grade, I am confident that analyzing in English would non present any hurdlings for me. Since the beginning of my grade I have ne'er regretted of taking Geography. Hence, there is no uncertainty in my head that I want to go on analyzing it. However, due to the differences in the course of study of English and Lithuanian universities I believe that the best option for me would be to get down my surveies once more from the first twelvemonth.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

What Happened During the Russian Revolution of 1917

What Happened During the Russian Revolution of 1917 In 1917, two revolutions completely changed the fabric of Russia. First, the February Russian Revolution toppled the Russian monarchy and established a Provisional Government. Then in October, a second Russian Revolution placed the Bolsheviks as the leaders of Russia, resulting in the creation of the worlds first communist country. The February 1917 Revolution Although many wanted a revolution, no one expected it to happen when it did and how it did. On Thursday, February 23, 1917, women workers in Petrograd left their factories and entered the streets to protest. It was International Womens Day and the women of Russia were ready to be heard. An estimated 90,000 women marched through the streets, shouting Bread and Down With the Autocracy! and Stop the War! These women were tired, hungry, and angry. They worked long hours in miserable conditions in order to feed their families because their husbands and fathers were at the front, fighting in World War I. They wanted change. They werent the only ones. The following day, more than 150,000 men and women took to the streets to protest. Soon more people joined them and by Saturday, February 25, the city of Petrograd was basically shut down no one was working. Although there were a few incidents of police and soldiers firing into the crowds, those groups soon mutinied and joined the protesters. Czar Nicholas II, who was not in Petrograd during the revolution, heard reports of the protests but did not take them seriously. By March 1, it was obvious to everyone except the czar himself that the czars rule was over. On March 2, 1917 it was made official when Czar Nicholas II abdicated. Without a monarchy, the question remained as to who would next lead the country. Provisional Government vs. The Petrograd Soviet Two contending groups emerged out of the chaos to claim leadership of Russia. The first was made up of former Duma members and the second was the Petrograd Soviet. The former Duma members represented the middle and upper classes while the Soviet represented workers and soldiers. In the end, the former Duma members formed a Provisional Government which officially ran the country. The Petrograd Soviet allowed this because they felt that Russia was not economically advanced enough to undergo a true socialist revolution. Within the first few weeks after the February Revolution, the Provisional Government abolished the death penalty, granted amnesty for all political prisoners and those in exile, ended religious and ethnic discrimination, and granted civil liberties. What they did not deal with was an end to the war, land reform, or better quality of life for the Russian people. The Provisional Government believed Russia should honor its commitments to its allies in World War I and continue fighting. V.I. Lenin did not agree. Lenin Returns From Exile Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, leader of the Bolsheviks, was living in exile when the February Revolution transformed Russia. Once the Provisional Government allowed back political exiles, Lenin boarded a train in Zurich, Switzerland and headed home. On April 3, 1917, Lenin arrived in Petrograd at the Finland Station. Tens of thousands of workers and soldiers had come to the station to greet Lenin. There were cheers and a sea of red, waving flags. Not able to get through, Lenin jumped on top of a car and gave a speech. Lenin at first congratulated the Russian people for their successful revolution. However, Lenin had more to say. In a speech made just hours later, Lenin shocked everyone by denouncing the Provisional Government and calling for a new revolution. He reminded the people that the country was still at war and that the Provisional Government had done nothing to give the people bread and land. At first, Lenin was a lone voice in his condemnation of the Provisional Government. But Lenin worked ceaselessly over the following few months and eventually, people began to really listen. Soon many wanted Peace, Land, Bread! The October 1917 Russian Revolution By September 1917, Lenin believed the Russian people were ready for another revolution. However, other Bolshevik leaders were not yet quite convinced. On October 10, a secret meeting of the Bolshevik party leaders was held. Lenin used all his powers of persuasion to convince the others that it was time for an armed insurrection. Having debated through the night, a vote was taken the following morning it was ten to two in favor of a revolution. The people themselves were ready. In the very early hours of October 25, 1917, the revolution began. Troops loyal to the Bolsheviks took control of the telegraph, power station, strategic bridges, post office, train stations, and state bank. Control of these and other posts within the city were handed over to the Bolsheviks with barely a shot fired. By late that morning, Petrograd was in the hands of the Bolsheviks all except the Winter Palace where the leaders of the Provisional Government remained. Prime Minister Alexander Kerensky successfully fled but by the following day, troops loyal to the Bolsheviks infiltrated the Winter Palace. After nearly a bloodless coup, the Bolsheviks were the new leaders of Russia. Nearly immediately, Lenin announced that the new regime would end the war, abolish all private land ownership, and would create a system for workers control of factories. Civil War Unfortunately, as well intended as Lenins promises might have been, they proved disastrous. After Russia pulled out of World War I, millions of Russian soldiers filtered home. They were hungry, tired, and wanted their jobs back. Yet there was no extra food. Without private land ownership, farmers began to grow just enough produce for themselves; there was no incentive to grow more. There were also no jobs to be had. Without a war to support, factories no longer had vast orders to fill. None of the peoples real problems were fixed; instead, their lives became much worse. In June 1918, Russia broke out in civil war. It was the Whites (those against the Soviets, which included monarchists, liberals, and other socialists) against the Reds (the Bolshevik regime). Near the beginning of the Russian Civil War, the Reds were worried that the Whites would free the czar and his family, which would not only have given the Whites a psychological boost but might have led to the restoration of the monarchy in Russia. The Reds were not going to let that happen. On the night of July 16-17, 1918, Czar Nicholas, his wife, their children, the family dog, three servants, and the family doctor were all woken up, taken to the basement, and shot. The Civil War lasted over two years and was bloody, brutal, and cruel. The Reds won but at the expense of millions of people killed. The Russian Civil War dramatically changed the fabric of Russia. The moderates were gone. What was left was an extreme, vicious regime that was to rule Russia until the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How To Make Personal Branding Work For You

How To Make Personal Branding Work For You In Houman Harouni’s recent article critiquing the format of TED talks, he brushes lightly on the idea of self-commoditization, and how that was once a distasteful thing. That ought to make some readers squirm; personal branding has become the default setting, it seems, for online existence. Maybe it doesn’t make you squirm. But it makes me squirm. I’ve never been completely comfortable with the idea of a person being their own brand, even if folks like actor Kevin Hart have completely embraced it. Leaked Sony emails prompted a response from Hart in a post on his Instagram account. â€Å"I look at myself as a brand.† How you see yourself, and therefore, the content you create, will dictate how you will handle your online existence. It will determine whether you’ll have multiple social accounts and how you will approach your blog content. Is Personal Branding The Right Path For You? via @JulieNeidlingerWhat Is Personal Branding? The first chapter of Jon Ronson’s excellent book So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed tells the story of his confrontation with three men who had created, in the name of academic study, a fake Jon Ronson Twitter account. The fake account tweeted out random things that appeared mildly nonsensical, and suggested Ronson was a foodie. Ronson finally confronted the men, asking them to take the account down. During this discussion, the issue of personal branding came up. Ronson expressed his annoyance at the situation, claiming that they were stealing his identity even in the face of admitting that no, he wasn’t the only Jon Ronson out there. One of the men, Dan, responded that they were annoyed by Ronson. â€Å"We think there’s already a layer of artifice and it’s your online personality- the brand Jon Ronson- you’re trying to protect. Yeah?† The argument continued as Ronson tried to explain that was not the case. Dan pointed out that Ronson was one of the â€Å"few† people using their real name on Twitter. â€Å"Who does that?† he asked. â€Å"And that’s why I’m suspicious of your motives, Jon. That’s why I say I think you’re using it as brand management.† While the entire discussion is an entertaining read (and yes, the fake account was pulled down with the help of the Internet shaming these men into doing so), Ronson was clearly displeased with the idea that he was mostly upset about the fake account because it could hurt his personal brand. Wikipedia has some interesting language when talking about what personal branding is: Personal branding is the practice of people marketing themselves and their careers as brands. While previous self-help management techniques were about self-improvement, the personal-branding concept suggests instead that success comes from self-packaging. It’s all about how you package yourself up. It’s as much about what you put in as what you leave out (which Ronson also talks about in chapter 11’s discussion on skewing Google search results to bury anything bad about you). In order for personal branding to work, you have to know who it is you want to present yourself to, and how you ought to appear. You can’t package yourself up if you don’t know what kind of package your desired audience prefers. You have to know what your â€Å"brand assets† are, and what â€Å"brand liabilities† might be floating around. You have to know how to control what is associated with you. For personal branding to work, know who you'll chat with, and how you'll appear.This, probably, is what put Ronson off. The idea of wrenching yourself this way and that to fit what people want of you instead of being who you are. Unfortunately, even if you don’t like the idea, your online trail is, by default, creating a personal brand. The things you say, post, create, and participate in are all being gathered into an easily found collection, compliments of the search engine. In some way, Ronson was correct: by messing with a person’s online brand (whether he wanted to call it that or not), you can participate in a kind of identity theft. Your personal brand is your online identity, and it is becoming a bigger and bigger part of your entire identity, including offline, every day. Personal Branding: What’s Your Type? Personal branding isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. No personal brand is ever purely honest in the sense that you live your entire life unvarnished for the world to see. Personal branding is very much â€Å"photoshopped† into fitting the niche we want to belong to and the identity that attracts the largest audience we are aiming for. Some of us are more comfortable with that than others. That’s where types come in. Type 1: Comfortable with personal branding. If you’re a Type 1, you’re a completely open book. You’re open for business 24/7, and anything you do online falls into place with a carefully constructed brand made up of you. You firmly believe that by putting everything out there, and being as real and personal as you can be, people will latch on and become die-hard fans. It’s likely you are right. However, even the most aggressive personal brand supporter understands that you have some elements of personality or interest that don’t fit the brand. You make business and content decisions according to what you feel fit the picture you are painting of yourself. I'm a type 1 personal brand. Check this out to find your personal branding strengths!Structure: The light table. Everything you do online must fit the brand you want to create. That means you must have a kind of â€Å"light table† in which you hold up everything against to see if it matches the brand you’ve outlined. Every comment you make, every piece of content you share, everything you write- it must align with your personal brand. You don’t get to be controversial and share or create contentious content, unless your brand is one of being controversial. Summation: How you want others to see and understand you is at the forefront of every business and content decision you make. Action: Always open, always on. If you’re serious about your personal brand, you’ll protect it at any cost. Its demise will affect your personal life and your very identity, since they are so closely connected. While you are always open and available for discussion, conversation, and engagement, you are also always on. If you’re an introvert, this is going to be tough. All that interaction with other people will drain you. If, however, you love people, this doesn’t seem so bad. Summation: Any person who connects with your personal brand, no matter the time or setting, gets your full attention. Type 2: Not comfortable with personal branding, but wanting to participate in content marketing. If you’re at all a bit like me, you’re not wholly comfortable thinking of yourself as a brand. Other marketers who are won’t understand your reluctance, but I get it. You want to tap into the power of content marketing because you have a product or service to sell online, but you don’t want to feel as if you are selling your soul. The key to making this work is to allow yourself to have a â€Å"multi-faceted† identity without feeling guilty about it. Enthusiastic Type 1’s will never preach a message you understand; they are always going to trumpet authenticity and always being connected to your fans. You must be able to take the things that they can teach you and still maintain an unbranded identity that you protect. Structure: Compartments. You’ll want to compartmentalize, including how you spend your day (e.g. definitive work times and personal time) and the kind of access you allow people online (e.g. personal contact only with people you are personally connected to). For example, I have a rule of no work or work-related conversation after 6 pm. I walk away from the computer, shut my office door, and go do other things. When I’m with family or friends, conversations with followers online cease no matter what time of day. No phone, no computer. This keeps that online brand from bleeding into the life I’m living with the people around me. You might have a blog that you use to create content in your niche, but a personal, unpublicized blog that you use to share vacation photos or rants on. Summation: Branded content stays in one section, personal content stays in another. Action: Defend the inner circle. You’ll want to create a clear separation between your â€Å"real† self and your â€Å"branded† self in how you behave online. This isn’t about being a hypocrite, or an excuse for horrid anonymous behavior. Instead, you’ve merely identified some boundaries and determined under what settings and which people can cross them. I'm a type 2  personal brand. Find your personal branding strengths in this post.It’s similar to compartmentalizing, but a more aggressive and protective approach the the very core of what you think you must protect in order to not feel like you sold out. This means you’ll probably have multiple social accounts, one with your branded name or personality and another that you use for people you connect with outside of the business realm. There are a few ways you can do this: Multiple social accounts. Restrictive privacy settings. Restrictions on over-sharing personal life. I have social accounts with my name, which readers of my content know, but I have other accounts with nicknames that I use with family and friends. The latter is where I spend most of my time and share the links that might not have anything to do with the brand image, instead thinking â€Å"hey, dad would think this is interesting† and using that as a motivation. On Facebook, I only add people I know personally as Friends, and limit conversation and access to many posts to an even smaller list of close friends. I do allow people to follow if they want. I firmly believe that the people I follow and the conversations I listen to can affect me, and not always in good ways. So I set the boundary to be one of people I know care about me as a person and aren’t arguing just because they want to. Summation: Aggressively protect your private life, even from well-meaning and eager fans. Type 3: Not comfortable with personal branding, and unable to participate in traditional content marketing. There are days when I tip toward Type 3, and I can fully see myself, someday, ending up in this category. For those of you who fit this description, that’s OK. You can still enjoy the creative benefits of blogging and creating online. Structure: Invisible cloak. Start by getting off of any social media account you don’t need. And by need, I would say you use it purely to connect to the actual people in your life who you care about. Your entire thinking will have to be, essentially, backwards to how online life is now seen. You can still enjoy many of the apps and sites, but you aren’t going to have an eye for creating images, sharing photos, or writing content that attempts to create a persona. You are unabashedly you, unplanned, unpromoted, unapologetic, unassuming. Summation: You don’t care if people see you, nor how they see you. You take no planned action to control either. Action: Close the gates. If you have any kind of online presence, even an unbranded one, the invading horde will always be clamoring at the gate. It’s the nature of the Internet. Take some practical steps to cut off the entrance. Turn off blog comments. Reduce social media accounts to bare minimum, if any. Use a nickname in forums and discussions, connected to a non-revealing email account. Don’t share your content on social media, or publicize it in any way. Avoid apps and other tools that have a social profile component built in (e.g. Disqus, WordPress’s Gravatar, etc.) In other words, break all the content marketing rules you’ve ever heard, and do it without guilt or expecting the same results you’d get if you followed them. You can do that if you want to. It’s OK. Create content for the joy you get in creating it, whether anyone sees what you create or not. It is more than OK to be indifferent to what people think of you, or if they think of you at all. You might be pretty lonely, and you probably won’t sell unless you have something so amazing that this severe level of exclusivity drives people mad to throw money at you, but you will, at least, avoid the sense of branding yourself. Summation: Avoid or deflect any involvement which seems draining or excessive, taking measures to reduce any opportunity for it to happen. I'm a type 3 personal brand. Read this post to find your personal branding strengths.What Does Your Personal Brand Look Like? Your personal brand can, of course, evolve. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve been less inclined to live so publicly online as I was ten or more years ago. I’ve also noticed that when people start out online with the goal to make a living there, they start as a Type 1. As their audience grows and their reputation and renown grow with it, the need for affirmation lessens and they slide toward Type 2. Then, when you become Elvis, you can be Type 3.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Article the First Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Article the First - Essay Example Nevertheless, the congress representative succeeded in 1791 when a three-quarters majority ratified the Bill of Rights to become the law guiding the nation (Publishing & Duignan, 2013). Although this was a major breakthrough in the US history as far as constitutional reforms are concerned, the congress failed to ratify Article the First, which became the center for debate owing to the varying reactions elicited by the divided Congress on the matter. Article the First was a proposed amendment to the constitution of the United Sates whereby it sought to determine both the minimum and the maximum number of representatives at the US hose of Congress (Vile, 2012). As a federalist, one would support Article the First of the Constitution of the US, owing to the democratic space that America enjoys today due to liberal laws besides the fact that this amendment would change history in that more American citizens would feel represented and participate fully in an all-inclusive government. In 1 789, the American representatives of the House of congress were involved in hectic constitutional amendment procedures that saw some articles incorporated into the bill of Rights that formed the constitution of the United States (Vile, 2012). However, some contentious articles did not make it to the constitution following the strong opposition to them by the antifederalists. In this regard, Article the First, which came to be the first proposed amendment to the constitution of the United States of America, did not pass the ratification test although its proponents particularly the federalists pushed hard for its ratification (Vile, 2010). Also known as the congressional Appointment Amendment, Article the First was the first, as the name suggests, of the twelve amendments that the first congress delivered on 25th September 1789 (Publishing & Duignan, 2013). In accordance to Article V of the constitution of the United Sates, the first congress submitted Article the First for ratificat ion. However, the state legislatures failed to ratify the article despite the fact that they ratifies many other articles that became the Bill or Rights that formed the constitution of the United States of America (Vile, 2012). Fundamentally, the major framework o Article the First entailed the setting of the size of representatives of the House of Congress whereby the maximum and the minimum number of Congress representatives was clearly determined by the article (Publishing & Duignan, 2013). In this case, the article contemplated a scenario whereby one Congress Representative would represent thirty thousand American citizens until the total number of representatives would reach one hundred. Thereafter, it would be the responsibility of the congress to regulate the number of representatives so as not to go below one hundred. In this regard, Wolverton (2013) reports that the Bill of Rights envisaged that: After the first enumeration required by the first article of the Constitution, there shall be one Representative for every thirty thousand, until the number shall amount to one hundred, after which the proportion shall be so regulated by Congress, that there shall be not less than one hundred Representatives, nor